Mornings Don't Have to Be Annoying When You are Pregnant by Elysiana Canlas
Morning sickness can be a hassle for pregnant women. Unfortunately, it is something they must deal with during pregnancy. The symptoms and severity of morning sickness varies from one person to another. Good news however to all suffering pregnant ladies, morning sickness seems to be a positive sign that your pregnancy is going on just fine; that is according to a study conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Their research shows that women who experienced vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy were less prone to miscarriage or premature delivery.
This of course does not lessen the agony of morning sickness. Below are some remedies and tips for pregnant women dealing with morning sickness.
-Stay away from warm areas. This is because heat aggravates nausea.
-Sleep well at night, make sure you get a lot of it and in the morning, get out of your bed slowly. Tiredness can also increase the discomfort so it also advisable for a pregnant woman to take short naps during the day.
-Eating cereals or crackers in the morning before getting up is also helpful.
-Keep fried, spicy and greasy food stuff away from your menu.
-Try eating anything salty before a meal.
-Eat protein-rich snacks frequently.
-Avoid skipping meals.
-Believe in your body. Eat what it craves for, as long as it is not junk of course.
-Get as much ginger as possible. Ginger alleviates all sorts of nausea so try drinking ginger tea or eat food items with ginger.
-Try other sorts of herbal and non-caffeinated teas. Lemon balm, raspberry leaf and chamomile are very much recommended.
-Drink clear fluids frequently to avoid dehydrating one's self.
-Mixing 2-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in warm water and drinking it in the morning helps neutralize stomach acid.
-Eat small meals frequently during the day instead of feasting on three large meals a day.
-The baby inside the stomach also consumes sugar for energy. Eat fruits because the sugar in them are already half broken down. It would be easier to digest them and get the sugar in the blood supply. Oranges and grapes are good for this purpose.
-Nibble a lot. Nibbling on a cracker or candy will keep the heartburn at bay. The stomach normally produces higher amounts of gastric juices during pregnancy. Always have something for the stomach acids to work on.
-Pump up your dosage of vitamins B6 and B12, zinc, folic acid and iron. The body needs more of these during pregnancy. Sufficient amounts of these nutrients will lessen nausea caused by pregnancy.
-Try out acupressure massage. This can be done by a professional or, with proper training, the woman's husband.
Pregnant women dealing with morning sickness can be very sensitive with odors. Here are some things they can try to avoid certain odors:
-While cooking, switch on the exhaust fan or open the windows.
-Preparing food using the microwave oven minimizes odors.
-Have a handkerchief always with you which has a few drops of essential oil. It is important that the essential oil does not cause nausea. Use this to cover the nose when a pregnant woman can't avoid the odor aggravating her nausea.
Finally, do not fret so much about it. As long as there is continuous weight gain and there is no problem with dehydration, then there is nothing to be so worried about.
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